Argh, I abhor those inconsiderate cows
who stand on toilet seats. Not just that, they don't even bother to wipe off the evidence! You need to possess a zero degree of shame to be able to walk away like that.
It's because of people like you that you even need to squat on the seats! I bet you don't wash your hands, too.
I curse you, toilet seat-contaminators, that you plunge your foot into the bowl and get stuck for a considerably long time, getting free only when the janitors start their shift, while everyone in line stares at you with deep and deserved contempt.
That was my elaborate and superfluous way of saying, "F you, you assholes."
I am currently so hungry that I can't think of anything else to blog about. Perhaps I'll just ramble on about the mundane things that I do in my life, such as waking up on my off day to wonderful weather -- full-on rain in the middle of the afternoon, that rendered my whole house a dark and frosty atmosphere.
Speaking of dark and frosty, I think I shall abandon my fruitless attempt at a blog and gorge on Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Macadamia. It = minutes of bountiful bliss.