I cringe whenever I hear someone say, "Ugh she shouldn't wear that, look at her fats!" or something equally mean about a passer-by.
Perhaps as a joke in between close friends who know better and that it's only meant as a joke - that's absolutely fine.
But I have known some people in my life who sprinkle judgmental statements like that without thinking (or worse, what if they'd thought it through and decided to say it anyway?) and it always kills me a little inside.
It's bad enough that you're criticizing a stranger's appearance, but now you wanna put it out into the universe and see if I agree?
No way, José.
Beauty is subjective, just like art. Everyone has their own definition of it, so no matter what, you can't be perfect to everyone all at once. There is bound to be someone who thinks you look bad. It could be your own mother, too.
Therefore it doesn't make sense that we criticize others' appearances just because they don't fit into our perceived notion of beauty. How would you feel if you left the house feelin' fine and somebody commented that you didn't look as good as you thought you did?
So I say, if you think you look good, then you look good. It doesn't really matter what anyone else thinks (yes, not even your mother) because in the end, it's your opinion of yourself that truly matters. Sure, it's tough to be confident when someone just dumped a bucket of water over your head, but just remember what you loved about your outfit in the first place - those new earrings, that cool shirt, these fabulous pants - and just work it, gurl. (Or dude.)
Everything else is just noise.