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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The End Of Slack As We Know It

So a CCTV has been installed right behind me.
How can I still type this post, you ask?

There's a computer upstairs where nobody goes. The height of my desire to slack has become so overbearing that I willingly climbed stairs multiple times to come up here and surf various social websites.

Right now I have some actual data to enter into the system so I should probably stop

Who am I kidding?

Being on Tumblr made me long for tattoo sleeves but just the thought of a needle poking through my skin and the droplets of blood forming - it gives me shivers up and down my spine. So now I'd settle for a boyfriend with tattoo sleeves. C'mon, any takers?

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha you company me get my tats for the time being.... 😏
