...call me an extrovert or call me a person who can't shut up. Like the title of this blog, I am an open book even to those who don't like to read. I tend to spill information about myself wherever I go. If you ask, I will tell.
So it makes sense that when I'm grieving alone, I write blog posts, tweet, or update Facebook statuses about my being sad. It's like I can't rest until the entire world knows that I'm unhappy.
But on the other hand, I always want the world to know when I'm ecstatic, too. Let's just agree that I must simply let everyone know what I'm feeling all the time.
I guess it's sort therapeutic for me. When I'm happy, I want to share my joy and when others echo my mirth, I get even happier. It's a little different when I'm sad though; I don't get sadder when other people feel sad for me. When I'm feeling down, I post things, hoping that someone, anyone, will see it and offer me solace, whether it be a text or a phone call or just a simple 'like' on Facebook. It makes me feel less alone. It means at least one person in the world has seen how I feel and that means I'm not the only person inhabiting this vast world.
Therefore, please pardon me when I ramble on sometimes about all the emotions that course through my brain. It's only just so I can peel off emotion by emotion until there's only one or two underlying ones that aren't as strong. Every sentence helps calm my nerves down, so on and on I will write, until this nose stops running and my heart rate slows to its normal speed.
Then, I can have a good night's sleep.
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