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Monday, November 1, 2010

Exercise/The Social Network

I have to say, exercise has never been my thing, and still isn't.

But I'm trying to do it. So shut your pieholes that are filled with, "Har har, Cheryl, you - running?!"

So yesterday (it's 11:59PM now as I'm writing this, so technically it is still yesterday) I went jogging with my two beloved minions friends, Anzhu and Sophia, and it was so stupid. We dawdled for a long while and only arrived at Serangoon Stadium at 8:23PM.

The guy there kind of chased after us and said, "We close at 8:30."

Thank you, mothertooter.*

So the three of us looked at each other and decided, heck, since we were already there (and after about twenty minutes' worth of walking from Anzhu's house, too), we might as well use up whatever time we had left. But that meant someone had to look after our things and naturally - being the awesome, pentastic** person that I am - I offered to do it.

The two of them ran one lap, then came back to me, ignoring my attempts to convey that there was still about five minutes left of exercise for them. Clearly, they weren't fluent in arm + facial expression language.

As it turned out, Sophia switched places with me and looked after our stuff while Anzhu continued with a second run, I with my first one.

What can I say about it? It was...dramatic. At least, in my head.

I was fine in the first half of the lap, breathing like how our Phys Ed teacher taught us way back in secondary school. So there I was, jogging like a seasoned pro, thinking, "Wow, this isn't bad! I'm doing so good! I feel like I just became healthy!" Then I caught up with Anzhu, and the pain began.

First I couldn't breathe properly. I was positively wheezing, in a totally non-positive*** way.

"Oh shit, breathe! What happened to in, inout, out, outin??"
"Crap, I feel like my legs are gonna give way soon!"
"Anzhu, I can't breathe!"
"Die, I can't feel my legs!"
"Should I stop?"

These were the various questions I pelted at Anzhu as I ran alongside her for the second half of the track.

In the end, I made it through the whole lap, and almost collapsed at Sophia's feet, if not for the recollection of the words, "You might die if you stop immediately after a vigorous exercise. It's better to cool down first with a slow jog or gentle exercise."
I'm not sure where I heard it - probably every single person I've met who possesses common sense.

So of course I continued jogging (although my feet never left even two inches off of the ground) on the spot. Then as we were chatting about the runs, I forgot about cooling down and plopped down beside Sophia, taking a sip from my 100Plus.

Yup, she did gasp at me about forgetting to cool down thoroughly.

All in all, although it wasn't a complete workout, I still think it was a good start, at least. Me, exercising!

We're doing it again on Friday, I think. Anyone care to join us?

*I didn't mean it; it was just for dramatic/comic effect.
**Pentastic means fantastic, but in Pen fashion. As for those of you who are going, "What's Pen??", that's another blog post altogether. It will be revealed soon enough. Just...remind me to blog about it.
***I know I could've used the word negative, but bear with it; it's for literary effect.


This is basically another post. Because it's a completely different topic.

It's about the movie, The Social Network!

I like it.

It's kind of a biography, about the founder of Facebook (Mark Zuckerberg) and all the obstacles along the way. The jokes were subtle, the casting was good, and the dialogue was awesomely clever.

My only regret is that there weren't any hot guys for me to ogle. Sure, the lead guy was cute, but his character was too much of a clueless jerk to be appealing (to me). And the other guys - gay. I'm not sure if it was made to be that way, but they actually seemed greasy to me. I don't mean that in the oily way.

Go watch it.

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