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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Here's my opinion, even though you didn't ask for it

It's not about looks. No matter how superficial a person is, it all boils down to character. So if you aren't confident with yourself and the way you look, do something about it. I don't mean just the physical aspects like going on a diet or exercising; I mean in terms of your self-perception. Don't put yourself down and then blame others for not picking you up.

If you don't think you're good enough, how the hell do you expect others to perceive you're good enough? It doesn't matter if we believe you are or not; if you don't believe it yourself, then what is the farking point? You're always gonna be thinking that you're inferior and feel insecure, then blame it on the other party when he/she doesn't make you feel better about yourself. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent, as Eleanor Roosevelt once said.

It's easy to head down a spiralling funk of low self-esteem and self-pity but trust me, all it does is make you feel useless and unappreciated. You owe it to yourself to be confident. Throw that self-doubt away because no one will ever put their hand in yours if you think it isn't fit to be held.

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