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Sunday, March 2, 2014

Finally, the dream

For the past week I've been hearing my relatives regale everyone with their stories of dreams about my mom, and it did show a sequence that was kind of mystical and hilarious.

First my dad dreamt of her. Second was my aunt - my mom's younger sister. Then my uncle's wife and his mother-in-law did. We all live in Potong Pasir. After that was my cousin Eileen, who lived in Sengkang. So I joked that my mom was making her rounds, and next would be my cousin Joey who lived in Jurong. But it's been a few days since that joke and Joey hasn't said anything so I figure she didn't dream of her.

And now my mom's back in Potong Pasir I guess, 'cause I dreamt of her this morning.

In the dream, she was just there. Healthy-looking, smiling, adorable like she was. Is. I don't know. All I know is that I was a little bewildered, yet ecstatic to find that she didn't die after all.

I brought her to my room to show her my newly-organized closet, but then hit a dilemma: I'd separated my clothes into two halves. One half was colored clothing that I couldn't wear for 100 days while the other half were blacks/whites/grays/blues that I could wear. But I couldn't very well tell her why I sorted them that way, because there she was, very much alive! I remember feeling conflicted about it.

Then she proceeded to point to some picture or card that I can't remember anything about, and there were three numbers, 02 04 06 or something like that. I keep recalling that 03 was involved. Afterwards she pulled me into the living room to look at another picture/card and it had four numbers on it, like 4D. But now I can't remember anything.

After a short while, my mom left, and my dad came into my room. I told him Mom came back, and he wore a confused expression. "That wasn't your mom, that was our neighbor auntie who came to visit!"

Imagine my dreamworld crumbling. (Not literally like in Inception, but metaphorically like "my world crumbled".) I got flashbacks of my mom in the dream, just moments ago, and in each flashback she morphed into my neighbor. So it had been a lie. My mom wasn't alive again.

Still, I'm glad I had a dream about her because I was afraid I'd forget her face. In the dream she had been silent, possibly because I've already half-forgotten how her voice sounded like. Or maybe, if I wanted to make sense of the dream, she didn't make a sound because she was an imposter! Speaking would have given her away since she was actually my neighbor.

I am so confused but content.

P.S. Please ignore sentence structure and grammatical errors and overall vocabulary. I'm just writing this all down for me.

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