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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Sometimes I feel like not going to poly or university made me more distant from my friends. They can talk about their poly/uni camp/orientation experiences, while I'm just, "Wow. Cool. Haha! Nice."

Don't get me wrong, I mean every word I said - those weren't empty wows; but at times I just feel like I'd be able to contribute more to the conversation if I'd gone to poly or university.

I feel so helpless when a friend needs ideas for orientation camps or parties or games and I have no idea what the norm is like for these things. I can't even begin to suggest a theme because I don't know how it's supposed to be! Are there a lot of people involved? Do they have a budget for this? What is the purpose of this?

Of course, I know that as long as I have my imagination, I can easily solve all these problems, but I just like self-pity, okay?

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