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Monday, December 31, 2012


Now you can't say poking on Facebook does nothing for anyone. I was mindlessly poking tons of people FB suggested to poke, and those that poked back instantly, I poked again.

It ended up that an old secondary school friend started chatting with me 'cause he sensed that I was bored, and the catching-up was awesome. Some people say the friends you meet in college stick with you the most, but I can't imagine ever forgetting these friends in secondary school.

Although we don't meet at all, we still keep track of the important milestones in each other's lives via Facebook (as lame and overused as it is, it's really a universal social platform that's easy to use). And by milestones I mean things like his being in a relationship with another secondary school classmate, my going on my first plane trip, etc.

FB chat makes it less intrusive and encourages people to talk to each other uninhibited, because you don't feel like you're disturbing the other party or intruding their privacy. Anything you see on it has been willingly shared and it's like running into someone at a train station; you can chat and chat and it won't seem like you were going out of your way to find out things about that person.

Talking to an old friend is always worth it.

P.S. I think I can make a pretty good little sister. Anyone want to adopt me?

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