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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Pffft Valentine's

Since Chinese New Year is imminent, I was clearing out my closet and cupboards last night, and I found tons of mix CDs that I'd made eons ago.

From the first one to the last (I'd labeled them, too), I could see the number of Chinese songs slowly being replaced by more English ones. Interesting - my childhood in songs.

So I put one of them on, and now Fish Leong's famous song about breaking up is stuck in my head. Early this morning when I woke up, it had been "勇气" (Courage).

The songs spoke to me, even though I'm not in a relationship and never have been, which signifies so much about the lyrics. In the break-up song ("分手快乐"), there's a line where the broken-hearted girl laments about being alone for Valentine's Day, and Fish tells her that if you've found the right person, every day is Valentine's Day.

And with V Day right around the corner, I can't help but slam my fist on the table in total agreement ("HELLS YEAH! TELL HER, FISHY!"). Why commemorate your love on the same day as everybody else? Sure, it probably feels good that you have a boyfriend/girlfriend to shower you with gifts and extra attention on V Day, but isn't it better if they don't save up all their energy and love for that one day?

Wouldn't it be better if he/she peppered you with little thoughtful gifts throughout the weeks and made extra time for you once in a while for a good meal?

Maybe that's too much to ask. It would take a great deal of thoughtfulness and care (not to mention money) on their part to keep that up. But still, they don't have to be materialistic! Just a simple handwritten note with love is sufficient, in my opinion. Or little gestures like buying your favorite snack ("Oh wow tutu kueh! I HEART YOU") or helping to buy that pair of socks because there are holes in yours and you always forget.

In an ideal world, this would totally be my relationship but we all know fantasy doesn't mix with reality (unless we're talking about unicorns - they are real), so I guess we can all just hope and pray that we meet that girl/guy for whom we like enough to throw away that fantasy.

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