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Thursday, May 23, 2013

It's a little early to be posting but

This dude is such an asshole.

I admit that I do have double standards sometimes, but it's never been so apparent to me before.

Honestly, I've never really been bothered by secondhand cigarette smoke because I'm so used to the smell. (My dad is an avid smoker.) All the smokers I've met in my life have been pretty polite and considerate: they either ask before lighting up, or when I express discomfort with it, they go somewhere else to smoke. It's a mutual understanding between smokers and non-smokers of the world.

BUT all that changed when I started this job of mine and met the most obnoxious smoker.
Not only does he light up without warning; when I politely request for him to stand further away from me (for some reason his cigarette smoke makes me cough while others' don't), he replied, "Hey I'm giving you free smoke - you should be grateful!"

The first time I heard that I was so astonished that I just shut up and walked away myself.
The second time, I retorted, "I don't think I want free lung cancer, thanks." I thought that might've made him realize what a douche he was being and retreat, but he continued smoking like a smug chimney.
The third time, I tried again and said, "You know secondhand smoke is more dangerous to health than smoking itself?" He just laughed and exclaimed, "You shouldn't complain when you get free smoke!"

There is no getting through to a douchebag.

Hence I've resorted to passive-agressive looks and blatantly getting up from my desk when he takes out his cigarettes. (My desk is situated right at the front of the store and his self-designated smoking area is just outside.)

And passive-agressiveness doesn't work if the receiver refuses to decode the message.

Last night I was at a friend's birthday celebration and halfway through a movie in the room, one of her friends asked if I was okay with them smoking right there. I nodded without hesitation. Then I started thinking about how I would have thrown a bitch fit if it had been my colleague - not that he would've asked for permission in the first place.

Double standards make me feel hypocritical but I can't help it. When this douchebag lights up, my face involuntarily scrunches up into a cringe. When my friend lights up, I just continue standing there chatting like I'm not inhaling increased chances of lung cancer.


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