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Thursday, November 29, 2012

JUST when I thought my day couldn't be ruined because Joss Stone is coming to Singapore, my colleague goes and does it again. He pissed me off.

Now I'm in such a mood. WhatsApp chats are making me laugh, but right after I set my phone down on the table I want to cry in anguish.

He actually said to me that he wouldn't want this lady even if she gave herself to him for free in reply to her saying, "Uncle, don't stand so close to me."

His reason is first and foremost not because he's married, but because she is "so fat, double your size!" (The 'your' is referring to me.)

Sizeist bigot. Yeah, he's racist too. We have a Malay part-timer from time-to-time, and my colleague always keeps his wallet in his pocket (usually it's sitting on a rack on our shared desk) when the part-timer is working.

Now, it may seem like I'm jumping to conclusions, but my colleague actually told me: "I must keep my wallet when he's working. Cannot trust him."

I asked, "Why not?"

And my colleague shook his head as if in resignation. "These Malay guys ah, you never know if he got steal money. Better to be safe than sorry."

My first day working here, he told me to look after his wallet; he can trust me. In my head, I thought, "Why does he trust me? He just met me. What is he basing this trust on?"

Then I got my answer, and now he reveals he's a sizeist, too. It's not enough that he makes subtle comments or jokes about weight/my weight, but he had to call me fat yesterday, and insult two other women within the span of two days.

He is never getting off my shit list. Right now the only way he could get off it would be to donate his heart to my long-gone grandmother in the grave. Or sincerely apologize and never repeat his mistakes. That'll work. But the former has a higher possibility, I bet.

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