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Thursday, January 24, 2013

I used to think that I made this blog so that strangers could fall in love with my searing wit and charm, but whom am I kidding? This blog serves one purpose only: for me to rant about daily life undisturbed.

Sure, I'd love a blog where thousands of strangers commiserate over my anecdotes, or perhaps feel strongly about some opinion of mine enough to leave an intelligent comment or, y'know, ten.

But most days I don't ponder about big stuff and instead lament about what is and what isn't, which may get old really fast. Heck, with the invention of WhatsApp and Wi-Fi, even my own friends don't visit this blog anymore. How do I expect strangers to give me the pleasure of having my stuff read?

Later in class, we're all supposed to give a 7 to 10-minute speech individually, on any topic. Sometimes we complain when the teachers limit us; other times (like this) we complain that we have too much freedom. "Any topic? That's hard!"

It's the same thing with material items. When I worked in a record store (by 'record' I mean CDs and DVDs), we had clearance sales from time to time, and customers would come up to me with a $2 CD and go, "Is this really $2?"

"Yes, it is," I'd reply. To which the customer would widen their eyes in incredulity and cry, "Oh my god, this must be defective! How can it be so cheap??" and throw the CD on the counter in a dramatic fit of rage.

I am not kidding.

The purpose of this post was to calm myself down. You see, I have this colleague at work who drives me absolutely nuts. He's condescending and mean. Almost every day I get pissed off by something he does or says, and now I realize he's not worth my anger.

Still, a temper is one of the hardest things to control, and I keep finding myself texting friends about his misdemeanors, using a lot of expletives. It has got to stop. You may say venting my anger is a good thing, and even better that I have multiple outlets to vent to, but after I vent, I continue venting in my head and on my blog. It seems to me to be a little too much.

I honestly fear for my mental health. This morning was so bad that I could feel myself getting into a funk, and thinking thoughts like, "If I get depression I'm suing him," or "If I turn insane and start killing people, the first I'll murder is him."

It's probably not that crazy of me to think those thoughts, but you can't deny it's still unhealthy.

Main thing is, I don't really have anything to complain about. I'll just suck it up and talk about anything during class later. It's all about perspective; some people can't even pay for classes.

This is when music comes in handy. Right now, Devastation & Reform by Relient K is what fits my mood exactly.

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